有时候,我只是需要一个人沉思. 一片能抒发情感的田地。



when i just transfer to SMK PERMAS JAYA 3..
Mr.Khairi was the secondary principal in the school..
He look fierce..but not really..
he was strict but that was all for our own good..
TODAY was the last day he in our school..
everyone feel so happy~~especially problem student~~
cause he is our school discipline teacher..

But to me...
he is a very responsible and caring teacher~`
he would racist and wont be unfair...
He was the who teach me addmath when i was form 4..
to me he is really a quite good teacher..
at least better than our principal..

that was the lat time i saw he..
and taking with him...
all of the student shake hands with he~~
and giving he a memorable day in his life..

wish u good luck always and stay in pink health..


